Increase Your Brain Power Efficiency

Labman Perspective
2 min readMay 4, 2021

Finding ways to be more efficient at tasking without exhaustion.

Photo by That-s-Her-Business on Unsplash

While I was searching for better approaches to be more efficient at tasking without exhaustion, I came across the efficiency scribble by Arthur Neil Pasricha. Beyond task-prioritization, time-allocation, and self-discipline, more concrete reminders are needed to systematize the efficiency regimen. The following chart illustrated such a concept simply and elegantly, and I hope this would provide you with inspiration and ideas for making your endeavors more robust and productive. This chart consists of four modes of operation that can be built into your daily schedule. So here we begin with:

Automate — This model is low on time requirement, and low on importance, ideally suited for running mindless errands such as buying toilet papers, following the same route to work or home. Any tasks that do not require active planning and analysis can be automated to conserve your brainpower for something more deserving. Running these errands may take initial thought, however, effort engaged to automate for subsequent visits will not go unrewarded.

Effectuate — This mode is low on time, but high in importance, with examples such as picking up kids from daycare, eating dinner with families, greetings to colleagues. They are easy to do but carry great importance. In which case, it is in your best interest to just do it, there is no decision to make.

Regulate — In this mode of high demand on time, but low in importance, you will find tasks such as checking emails, managing your calendar fall into this category in which they can take up a lot of time to do. However, if a time window every day is set out to do it, you can max your brainpower usage time instead of accumulating them all to do at once.

Debate — This model is the most crucial, it is the culmination of all the tasks above. It’s the place where you want to spend most of your brainpower thinking about the big problems and challenges. This mode of operation is high on time and importance. This includes vital decisions such as picking a spouse, buying a house, applying for a job, etc. These are decisions that have long-lasting ramifications, so take the time to do them well.



Labman Perspective

A scientist, a family man, and an avid hoarder of creative ideas and positive affirmations. I seek to inspire and to be inspired. 💯 Supporting You!